Monday, February 22, 2010

Rebecca & Drew Manufacturing Website Gig!

Today I received a call from the fabulous Lila Smith, asking me if I would be available to come in today or tomorrow to shoot video segments of her fitting me for the right sized shirts for the
Rebecca & Drew website. Apparently, Drew had asked for me specifically (since I TOTALLY rock out their shirts, apparently!). And my answer was a resounding YESSS!!!!! :-D

The video segments were basically like the videos you see of a customer walking into a store, and someone is helping them find the right thing...and *I* was that customer! I had a lot of fun trying on different sizes, the wrong sizes, the right one, some ridiculously silly wrong fitting ones, and all this was with Lila as the sizing expert, and me as the clueness shopper. I was SUPER psyched, and had a total BLAST working with Lila!

On a side note, I was scheduled for an audition with, and am totally excited! YAY!!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

First Entry Into the Blogging World!

Hey guys!

So I decided to start this blog to chronicle my journey through this wonderful business called "show."

Brief intro:
I worked at the World of Disney NYC on 5th Avenue for over 5 years. The store closed on December 30th, 2009, and I've been officially unemployed as of January 11th, 2010.

Since then, I started to submit for work, signing up with the big casting websites, and I've gotten pretty good results! Also, knowing great people also helps, since on the first week of my unemployment, I booked my first modeling gig with Rebecca & Drew Manufacturing with the help of my old friend, Lila Smith!

Each and every week, I've booked gigs, and I feel very fortunate. However, I spend A LOT of time on a computer each and every week, searching for work to submit for that fits me, as well as learning about the different unions and tips for auditioning.

I also signed up with Central Casting, and they've been WONDERFUL! Through them, I've booked Gossip Girl, Mercy and Law & Order: Criminal Intent. I've also been called for the original Law & Order, but had to decline, since I was already booked for L&O: CI. They're a really great casting organization, and I HIGHLY recommend them!

It's been a little over a month since I've been unemployed, but here are the gigs I've booked so far:

- Rebecca & Drew Manufacturing (first print & internet ad campaign!)
- Excella Pay-o-Matic (first commercial!)
- Gossip Girl
- Mercy
- I Object (reality tv pilot)
- Law & Order: Criminal Intent
- Hunting (first short film!)
- Breaking Benjamin - "Give Me a Sign" (first music video!)
- Land of Opportunity (pilot)

I've also been auditioning, and recently started to get called more frequently for auditions, including one for a feature film!

I'll be updating this blog with news when it happens!

As a brilliant fish once said, "Just keep swimming"!

- Teresa :)